
Daniela Babura


Daniela has been dreaming of owning her own yoga studio since she completed her first yoga class over a decade ago. In 2012, after 7 years working for a major Canadian bank and quickly climbing the corporate ladder, she quit her job, bought a plane ticket, and began the travels that would shape her now life. After travelling Asia and Europe, she eventually found herself in sunny Sydney, Australia where she spent 3 years exploring the land down under and working in Digital Marketing. Having completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Hawaii in 2016, she returned to Toronto in order to kickstart Adzenture Retreats together with Azma (an idea that came to her in a meditation during her teacher training – something they still laugh about to this day).​

“Yoga Teacher Training not only changed my personal practice, but it validated even more how passionate I am about it and how eager I am to help guide others into and through their yoga journey. Yoga is about recognizing and nourishing the light that resides within; it seeps into your bones, your heart, and your soul and over time changes your outlook on life.”

Favourite Travel Moment: “Fresh off my yoga teacher training on Hawaii’s Big Island, feeling more open and spiritually awakened than ever, I rented a car and spent 3 days driving around the entire island alone. There is a peak to the NW side of the island that very quickly moves from rainforest to desert with a very high altitude before descending down into some of the most beautiful beaches (including a green sand beach), right before heading back into an active volcano and back around to the rainforest. My mind was just blown, and Hawaii forever stole a piece of my heart.”